maandag 29 juli 2024

 Would you like to make at least an extra E 10000,- a year with your company ,with the same amount of work ?

Then you need a good copywriter..
Hello business owner
Are you sick and tired of working your ass off
but being stuck at the same income level?
You know that everything gets more expensive every year
which makes your problem even worse.
Aren´t you fed up with struggling to get ahead
but not really getting ahead or with only tiny small steps?

Are you afraid not to get rich with your business ,
staying at the same income level as expenses go up every year,
being scammed by so called experts that sell you fluff,
and the competition that outshines you and makes 10 x more
while being in the same business as you ??
Are you annoyed by being average and getting average results…
That things cost too much and that taxes are too friggin high…
You and your business not being attractive enough…
Are you tired of only being able to make more money by putting in more hours…and
Not being the market leader that you could be…

I understand you

my name is Jasmin Hajro
I am a business owner since 2012.
I am the author of 240 books.
Because I have written websites, webpages, landing pages, sales letters, marketing materials, books, book descriptions…
And sold thousands of books and made thousands of sales
I am an experienced copywriter.

Copywriting is not just writing a sales letter or sales page.
I must analyse your business
understand how it gets attention and how it monetizes it.
Then I make recommendations ,that you must implement.
The goal is to 10x and 100x your business income….
So you need an expert copywriter….

So that you can get rich
do all the things you dream about
and never have to worry about money ever again…
With plenty of time to enjoy life
really enjoy life with the people you love
and travel the world….

After my analysis
some of my recommendations/ strategies
may include…
1 website improvement
2 a book created to position you as an expert in your field
3 how to use your book to turn website visitors into customers/ clients
4 How to use AI to save you time
5 How to use AI for marketing
6 Changes to your daily work routine
7 How to use online and offline marketing
8 Changes in your office
9 How to stay sharp and get better
10 Change in price strategy
And more…

Every strategy is meant to help you make more money
You only have 30 years to make your fortune
then you are dead. Start now
You will make at least an extra E 10.000,- a year with my help,
if not service is free of charge.
and let´s get started making you more money.
Please visit
for more info and my client list.

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